Want to make sense of the chaos in the world?
And more importantly, bring order into it? There is no other place that every aspect of the mayhem is addressed other than in this book, including the causes.
Everything from autism to terrorism to sufism is addressed. Solutions to almost every common ailment that is plaguing society can be found in this book, mental or physical. But that is only the beginning of the door into a more vibrant life of emotional and spiritual heights. Forge ahead with your family into a whole new world.
What is going on when a person is manic, specifically what causes a hyper or manic individual, even a conservative, ethical or religious individual to all of a sudden seek unabated wanton pleasure? p.133
How come almost everyone is having a hard time digesting gluten and dairy and their health improves drastically when they remove them from their diet? p.117
What is causing all the bizarre behavior, from celebrities, to athletes, to even our family members and friends? p.159 and elsewhere throughout the book.
Why are muslim women who were wearing hijab even prior to 9/11 taking their hijab off now? p.90
Why are pious muslim men addicted to the TV? p.90
How we were too late to help Steve Jobs p. 38
How can antibiotic resistance come from vaccines? p.143
Have doctors already found cures for schizophrenia and bipolar disease? p.15,62,133
Are there antibiotics that cure even MRSA that doctors don’t know about? p.46
Was Islam really spread by the sword? p.178
What do muslims think about 2012? p.124
Is there really an old nurse’s cure for cancer that was hidden for decades until a journalist uncovered it, if so, is this tea available? p.128
Is there a home made remedy that has documented proof of working even for late stage cancers? p.95
Has there been a correlation between infertility drugs and birth defects that the public is wholly unaware of and if so is there a way to prevent the defects for those who take the steroids along with IVF? p.41